THE GOLDEN BEAR To be eligible for a Best of Show in the California State Fair Homewine Competition,
a homemade wine must first get a Double Gold (all three judges rate it gold). As with all categories of competitons
at the state fair, golden bears are awarded for Best of Show (BOS). The bear was chosed because the grizzly bear is the state
animal. We have been fortunate. We now have a sloth (official name of a group of bears) of nine bears.

2016 Wine Awards
2015 Wine Awards
2012 - 2014 Wine Awards
2011 Wine Awards
2010 Wine Awards
2009 Wine Awards
2008 Wine Awards
2007 Wine Awards
2006 Wine Awards
2005 Wine Awards
2004 Wine Awards
2003 Wine Awards
2002 Wine Awards
Rex Johnston and Barbara Bentley The Wine Maker Magazine has conducted the International Home Winemaker
Competition since 2002. Entries come from almost every state, many Canadian provinces, and countries across the ponds. On
some years, the entries have reached around 4,500. There are many categories of awards, including Grand Champion Wine and
Best of Fruit, both of which we have won. As of 2016, Rex and Barbara have been named the International Home Winemakers of
the Year for seven of the first eleven years of the competition (2006, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2016).
SACRAMENTO HOME WINEMAKERS We belong to the Sacramento Home Winemakers,
an amazing group of people dedicated to making good wine through mentoring and informative monthly meetings. You can find
out more about this group by clicking here. The club, founded over 40 years ago, was honored by Winemaker Magazine as the International Wine Club of the Year in 2012, 2013, and 2014. The club's annual competition is called the June Jubilee. In 2015,
we were honored to have won Best of Show Red, Best of Show White, Best of Show Dessert, and the overall Best of Show. Many
of the judges who volunteer their time also judge the California State Fair Commercial and Home Wine Competitions. We're lucky
to have such qualified judges. Club members volunteer throughout the day to make the affair a success.
INFORMATION SOURCES FOR HOME WINEMAKERS WINEMAKER MAGAZINE targets the home winemaker and is full of helpful hints and advertising suppliers. They host an annual conference
in famous wine appellations, a wine label competition, and the largest international
wine competition in the world. JACK KELLER maintains a website that offers a phenominal amount if information for the home winemaker. SACRAMENTO HOME WINEMAKERS CLUB is dedicated to preserving the art of home winemaking and their site provides a lot of information.